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Letzter Login am 02.04.2012 um 21:45:32 Uhr
Seit 18.01.2012 um 17:42:49 Uhr angemeldet
Club:RottenButterflies (1) 

Beschreibung von habondia

I'm no angel ...
nothing special ...
do Error...
i'm not perfect ...
not normal ...
sometimes crazy but at least I'm myself!! Before you judging about me or my life, put on my shoes and walk my way, run through the streets, mountains and valleys, feel the sadness, experiencing the pain and the joys - and only then can you Judge ...
I was born without wanting it and I will die without which I would like it. So let me at least live like I want it !!!!!
I'm not going to be in the world at how other me like to have!
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